Palace - Birthplace of Winston Churchill
John Churchill, the 1st Duke of Marlborough, defeated the French
at the Battle of Blenheim in 1704, Queen Anne gave
him the manor of Woodstock
and had the palatial home of Blenheim
Palace built for him in gratitude. Blenheim Palace is set amidst
breathtaking parkland, in the heart of the Oxfordshire Cotswolds,
eight miles from Oxford.

Palace was designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor and Sir
John Vanbrugh and on 30th November 1874 was the birthplace
of Winston
Churchill, Britain's World War II leader. Winston Churchill
was born in the suite of rooms that lie to the west of the
Great Hall. These rooms house the Churchill Exhibition that
give a fascinating insight into his life.
1704, as a thank-you for his victory over the French at the
Battle of Blenheim, Queen Anne gave John Churchill, Duke of
Marlborough (1650-1722), the royal estate of Woodstock, along
with the promise of cash to build himself a palace.
started on Blenheim Palace, with Sir John Vanbrugh as the
principal architect. However, the duke's wife (Sarah Jennings)
wanted Christopher Wren as architect and was soon at loggerheads
with Vanbrugh. And with Queen Anne having second thoughts
and stifling the flow of money, construction work was halted.
was only finished on Blenheim Palace after the duke's death
when his widow ended up paying most of the bills and designing
much of the interior herself.
magnificance of Blenheim Palace itself is matched by the
magnificant gardens of the Blenheim Estate. Capability Brown re-landscaped
the park in 1794 and created the lake. The water terrace gardens
were laid out in the 1920s by French architect Achille Duchêne
in 17th Century style.
Blenheim Palace Details
Country Fair